Crystal Fighters



Crystal Fighters, the Basque inspired, World influenced alternative band have announced details of the release of their 5th studio album LIGHT + alongside a comprehensive European Tour for February 2024.

The album LIGHT+ sees the band's return to the sound that their global fanbase knows and loves - packed full of songs that look set to become firm festival classics in the years to come.

Melding traditional Basque instruments along with searing electronics and soaring hooks, LIGHT+ is a celebration of life and the light in each one of us that shines bright in the darkness.

Weitere Informationen:
Einlass: 1 Stunde vor Veranstaltungsbeginn.


Donnerstag, den 03.10.2024


Gut zu wissen


ab 29,55 €


KölnTourismus GmbH
Kardinal-Höffner-Platz 1
50667 Köln

In der Nähe

Die Kantine
Neusser Landstr. 2
50735 Köln

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