Führung in St. Andreas



Museen und Kirchen

The late Romanesque church in the immediate vicinity of the cathedral offers with its choir hall from the 15th century a very special atmosphere. Century an interesting style fusion from Romanesque and Gothic. The Romanesque, the western part of the building and the nave are characterised by rich ornamental, sculptural elements. In addition, the well-preserved wall paintings from the 14th century be admired. In the Romanesque crypt is the sarcophagus with the remains of the Dominican scholars, theologians and philosophers Albertus Magnus. 

Gut zu wissen


  • Museen und Kirchen


KölnTourismus GmbH


Mittwoch, den 01.01.2025

00:00 bis zum 01.05.2037 00:00 Uhr

Führung in St. Andreas
Kardinal-Höffner-Platz 1
50667 Köln

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